World Travel School
Travel Basics
Available in US version
Gain the product knowledge and skills needed to research, plan and book air travel. You will learn the terminology, the policies and the procedures of airline travel and airline reservations. While the sale of air travel is no longer the major revenue producer for travel professionals, it is a vital part of the travel industry as the most used mode of transportation to business destinations and highly used mode to vacation/leisure destinations. Therefore, becoming an expert on the product, airline policies and procedures as well as reservations policies and procedures is essential to your success.
OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
•Demonstrate air travel product knowledge •Memorize major airline codes, city/airport codes, class of service and booking codes.
• Distinguish between leisure and corporate travel
GRADING CRITERIA: Successful completion of all Reviews, Challenges and Quizzes, participation in online Discussion as specified by instructor
COURSE OUTLINE: Each lesson includes an online Review (Stop, Review and Apply) as well as at least one Challenge that requires independent research and application.
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Air Travel
Lesson 2 - Codes
Lesson 3 - Choose a niche
Lesson 4 - Itineraries
Lesson 5 - Passenger Name Records (PNR)
Lesson 6 - Airline/Airport codes
Lesson 7 - Air Reservations Review for Quiz
COURSE ACTIVITIES AND ASSIGNMENTS: The maximum time to complete this course will be sent to you by your instructor. This includes 5 challenges, 5 reviews, and 1 Quiz. This course does not include a lot of assignments and you can conceivably complete this course within a month. To do so, you will need to do all assignments.
About WTS and GTS
Workbook GTS
Airline Alliances
GDS Global Distribution System