Course Description

Have you always dreamed of traveling the world and getting paid to do it? Or do you have specific knowledge or interests you can share with others? Put your dreams and interests to work for you! This timely course is designed to assist you, the travel professional, in becoming a small group tour leader.

 Determine if you have the skills, knowledge, abilities and traits you need to be an effective tour leader. Study tour leader roles and responsibilities. Learn conflict-resolution skills and prepare to manage a tour group. See how to polish your resume and market yourself to find a tour leader position within the industry and become a Leader

 OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:  • Define and differentiate between the different kinds of tour leaders and guides •Understand the various roles and duties of a tour leader 

•Prepare checklists and organizational tools to assist you in your duties 

•Update your resume to market yourself as a tour leader within the industry •Establish effective communication with the tour group for successful negotiation and conflict resolution 

•List and apply creative problem solving 

•Understand the group process, how each individual can impact the group, and your role in each stage of group development

 •List and define ten group leadership skills 

•Apply your group leadership skills to solve problems and resolve conflicts that may arise within the group

 GRADING CRITERIA: Successful completion of all What Do You Think?, Stop, Review and Apply exercises and Exam. Participation in discussion area of all "What Would You Do?" items. 

COURSE OUTLINE: Each Lesson generally includes: one or more What Do You Think? that require some independent research and application and one or more "What Would You Do?" that provides asynchronous interaction with fellow students and your instructor. There is also an exercise called "Stop, Review and Apply" which will test your knowledge and understanding of each section. 

Section 1 - Tour Leader Roles and Responsibilities 

 Why People Travel in Small Groups? Different Types of Leaders and Guides Who Would Employ a Tour Leader? What are the Roles of the Tour Leader? General Duties Promoting the Good Tourist Specific Duties Stop, Review and Apply 

Section 2 - Conflict and Problem Solving (4 pages) Handling Conflict The Creative Problem Solving Process Stop, Review and Apply Exercise

 Section 3 - Managing Tour Groups  Small Group Process Phases of Group Development Tour Leader's Role in Group Development Group Leadership Skills Stop, Review and Apply Exam COURSE ACTIVITIES AND ASSIGNMENTS:  The maximum time to complete this course will be sent to you by your instructor. To be completed in that time are 6 items called "What Do You Think?" and 3 Stop, Review and Apply exercises, each of which requires responses to your instructor/course administrator. 

There are 6 required discussion items, called "What Would You Do?", which are discussed with your instructor and other students. The final exam will be graded and the results will be available in your student record.

Travel Instructor D Ertuly

Desiree Ertuly is an industry leader. She has formal education a BS degree Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, a Masters of Management degree and a MBA.  She have been in the travel industry over 15 years.  10 years corporate travel 5+ years in leisure.  She have worked as a luxury consultant for a Virtuoso agency.  She worked for Silversea Cruiseline, British Airways, BCD Travel, Orbitz for business and prior to that in management at the Marriott Newark airport.  Her combined experience makes her a great candidate to teach travel.

Course curriculum

Course curriculum in progress

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About this course

  • $59.99
  • 0 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content